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✓ Guaranteed hassle-free shopping experience. Simply select the color and the epoxy quantity you want. We automatically calculate the required amount of colorant to dye the clear epoxy.
✓ No surprises. You always get the color you see online. We present all our colors in 4K videos and high-resolution pictures so you can see exactly what you are getting.
✓ Professional easy to follow step-by-step tutorials.
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Get the products you’ve always dreamed of!
✓ The biggest color selection on the market.
✓ The best epoxy properties across the USA:
- Bubble Free
- Odorless
- Solvent Free
- BPA Free
- Easy to Use
Instructions for Primer
- We recommend a working temperature of approx. 70°F.
- The surface should be dust-free, clean, and even. Level out holes, unevenness, and slopes in advance with leveling compound.
- Always start with our EPOXY PRIMER. Stir the primer with a stir stick.
- Pour the material into a paint tray after mixing.
- Roll the material onto the desired surface with a paint roller.
- Allow the primer to dry (approx. 8-12 hours).
Instructions for Main Coat
- Plan a quantity of resin and hardener for each colour. We recommend to use 95% of your resin and hardener for the base color BAHIA GREEN, and 5% for the highlight color JET BLACK.
- First, prepare a mixture for the base color BAHIA GREEN.
- Mix the resin (A) with the hardener (B) in a ratio of 2:1 (e.g., 2gal resin + 1gal hardener).
- Ideally, transfer the material to a clean mixing bucket and stir again. This will ensure that the resin (A) and hardener (B) are completely mixed together.
- Add the supplied BAHIA GREEN metallic powder to the resin/hardener mixture.
- Pour the material onto the surface immediately after mixing, as the product can boil up in the mixing bucket.
- Apply the material with a squeegee and foam roller flooding the entire surface.
- Now mix the highlight color JET BLACK.
- Mix the resin (A) with the hardener (B) in a ratio of 2:1 (e.g., 2gal resin + 1gal hardener).
- Add the supplied color paste JET BLACK to the the resin-hardener mixture.
- Work the color into the base color wet in wet as a highlight.
- The main coating is cured after 16-24h.
Info: Epoxy resin is sensitive to any kind of moisture during curing (risk of amine blush formation, i.e. white patches in the top layer). For this reason, we recommend that you avoid any contact between water and the epoxy until it has cured completely (at least 7 days). For thin layers, cold temperatures (ambient, substrate, and resin temperatures below 60°F) and increased humidity, the time until the epoxy resin is fully cured may be extended.