Epoxy Basement Floor from EPODEX
Epoxy Basement Floor
Are you looking for the high-quality epoxy resin to coat your basement floor? Then you’ve come to the right place! Discover now our precalculated flooring kits!
- Ideal for all types of floors such as industrial floors, garage floors, and designer floors
- 2 Types of epoxy resin available. CONCRETE PAINT 2K hard-wearing to be painted on and Pouring on Epoxy Flooring kit to achieve a seemless smooth finish.
- Kit consists of suitable epoxy primer as well as resin and hardener (mixing ratio 2:1) for the main coat. Epoxy primer not included with the clear kit and CONCRETE PAINT 2K kits.
- Select a kit and receive the right amount of colorants to color your epoxy.
Select your color
Coating Basement Floors
Basement floors are exposed to different loads depending on their use. Whether you use your basement as a storage room, bicycle room, laundry room, workshop, hobby area, or fitness lounge, an epoxy basement floor is always worthwhile!
With an epoxy basement floor, you effectively and permanently protect the basement from damage. The sealant makes the floor insensitive to weight loads and protects against contamination from leaking liquids. The resin basement floor is easy to clean and can always be refurbished or changed in color if necessary. Polishing with a machine is easily possible at any time and provides a fresh shine. Once cured, the epoxy flooring offers reliable protection against moisture penetration. Another advantage of an epoxy floor is the individual design freedom it offers.
Whether you want a colorless seal, an exciting design floor with a 3D effect, or a basement floor easy-to-apply paint in your desired color – everything is possible without any problems!
Basement Floor Paint
Besides our pouring on epoxy resin flooring kit, our CONCRETE PAINT 2K epoxy flooring is also suitable for basement floors. Since this paint is also based on epoxy resin, the properties are similar.
Our poured on Epoxy resin levels itself out. So, with casting resin, damaged areas are also repaired at the same time. It has a smooth, seemless finish, and can be mixed with metallic MICAs to achieve a desginer floor.
Our CONCRETE PAINT 2K is applied on a much thinner layer. The paint is spread on the floor with an ordinary foam roller and serves as a easy-to-clean, hard-wearing paint. It keeps the non-slip finish of concrete or the texture of the existing flooring.
Both options are very good sealers for your basement floor and protect it from stress and leaking liquids. Depending on your personal needs and the loads on-site, you can then decide which method and finish is right for you.
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Waterproof the Basement Floor with Poured on Epoxy Resin Flooring Kit
It is not uncommon for basements to leak and for moisture to seep through the floor. Especially in older houses, this problem often exists. Unfortunately, moisture can cause expensive damage to the fabric of the building. Likewise, moisture favors the development of mold. A safe and quick solution to the problem is waterproofing with an epoxy basement floor. The viscous epoxy penetrates every pore of the floor and makes the epoxy basement floor waterproof.
However, it is important that the basement floor is drained before the pouring Epoxy Resin Flooring kit is poured on. Otherwise, amine blush will form. In addition, there is a high risk that the epoxy resin will not cure completely and evenly.
Do you have questions about our products, or do you need detailed advice? Contact us by e-mail, WhatsApp, or give us a call. We are happy to help you so that nothing stands in the way of your new epoxy basement floor!
Resin Flooring
Resin flooring can be applied to any pre-existing floors. Whether you are working on concrete, wood, or leveling compound. Shop now one of our one-of-a-kind flooring kits!
- Ideal for all types of floors such as industrial floors, garage floors, and designer floors
- Kit consists of suitable epoxy primer as well as resin and hardener (mixing ratio 2:1) for the main coat. Epoxy primer not included with the clear kit and CONCRETE PAINT 2K kits.
- Select a kit and receive the right amount of colorants to color your epoxy.